Richard Powell
Richard Powell
For 8 years, Richard had been working as an HVAC specialist and AC unit installer since his student years. Now, he’s our main consultant on every technical aspect that may arise during our tests and research.

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Single-Stage vs Two-Stage Heat Pumps: Which One to Choose?
When it’s time to purchase a new heat pump, a lot of questions would pop up as you try to get the best one for your home. You might wonder A heat pump is an essential part of a heating and cooling system. Learn about heat pumps. and if it can heat your space. One of the main dilemmas is the single-stage vs. two-stage ...
How to Clean Air Ducts Yourself, and Should You Do It?
It is difficult to argue about the importance of having environments that have the right climate. Having air ducts and vents installed in your house will ensure you get good cool or warm air circulation air at the right temperature that is suitable for your current atmospheric ...
SEER Rating Chart: Saving Money on HVAC Systems
Electrical appliances are being modernized today to the extent that size, high power consumption, and other criteria no longer define a piece of efficient equipment. If you are thinking of getting an air conditioning system, you want an energy-efficient one. For this, you need to be up ...
What Is the Best AC Temperature for Sleeping? Let’s Find Out!
Have you ever wondered if there was a perfect temperature for you to sleep? A temperature that's neither hot nor cold. Studies show that it's difficult for most people to have a smooth sleep during hot days, but during cold nights, you might find them tossing in their bed and reaching out to their duvet. A hot room ...
14 vs 16 SEER Rating: Which One Would Be Better for You?
Today, air conditioning units have SEER ratings that can reach 24, depending on the efficiency. Units with higher SEER ratings use less electricity than those with lower ratings. So, the higher the rating, the better the efficiency and energy saving. However, HVAC equipment with very ...
Pros and Cons of a Hot Water Recirculating Pump
Hot water recirculation pumps are one of the high-performance machines people have installed in their homes today. This pump provides hot water directly to the faucets and can be used in homes, restaurants, hotels, and other places where hot water is required. Having a hot water recirculation pump reduces the waiting ...
Ceiling Fan Wiring Instructions and Recommendations
It is always a great idea to install a fan designed for the ceiling in your home to compensate for temperature rises during periods of heatwave. However, its installation must go through a few essential steps to be able to enjoy its performance under optimal conditions. However, you don't necessarily need to call ...
How to Vent a Bathroom Fan into Attic Safely, and Should You Do It?
Bathroom fans are important for removing humidity and bad odors from the private bathroom and preventing mold and mildew from building up. Removing the humidity will also prevent wallpaper or wall paint from peeling off, or doors and windows from warping. Fortunately, the task of venting bathroom fan into attic is a ...
How to Fix a Noisy Bathroom Fan: No More Annoying Sounds!
Bathroom fans are one of those devices that you should hardly hear. Good bathroom fans should not be louder than 3 sones. If the background noise is Noise level is also a consideration when selecting bathroom ventilation. Bathroom fan sound levels are measured in sones: 4.0 sones is the ...
Duct Board vs Sheet Metal: The Difference Explained
The air ducts are key elements in the process of how air conditioners or climate control systems work. It's through the ductwork that the air treated is recirculated or distributed between the conditioning device and conditioned spaces. The duct ...