Let’s be honest. Allergy season can be a burden if you or your family are prone to getting sniffles. One of the most common ways to moisten the air in your home and help combat allergies is by investing in a humidifier. Having a humidifier is all good and well, but unless you keep it clean, it could end up doing more harm than good. A humidifier that isn’t cleaned properly can easily become the perfect breeding ground for mold, mildew, and bacteria. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of easy steps that show you how to clean a Frida humidifier. Read on to see how simple it is!
When your humidifier isn’t cleaned properly, it easily becomes the ideal environment for mold and bacteria growth Trusted Source Basic Facts about Mold and Dampness | CDC CDC Mold Web site provides information on mold and health, an inventory of state indoor air quality programs, advice on assessment, cleanup efforts, and prevention of mold growth, and links to resources. www.cdc.gov . This happens when components of the humidifier come into direct contact with water. Once bacteria start growing, mold spores can potentially escape into the air through the mist sprayed from the unit. This will trigger flu-like symptoms, which in turn can lead to lung infections. One of the more popular humidifiers to opt for is the Frida Baby 3-in-1 Humidifier. Equipped with a nightlight and diffuser, this model is ideal for your baby’s nursery or general home use. It easily covers 320 square feet and is often referred to as the best humidifier for babies.
When your humidifier stops misting, it could be a result of mineral deposits that are preventing the unit from dispersing mist into the air. When this happens, it’s a clear sign that it needs cleaning before further use. If your humidifier stops misting, here’s the best way to get it clean and working again.
While vinegar usually cleans out most of the mineral deposits, there might be mineral deposits or mold build-up in the machine itself. You might have to take the humidifier apart and check for any build-up. In this instance, you’ll need to do the following:
For a more in-depth look at the best travel humidifiers, consider reading our article about best travel humidifiers. Alternatively, if you excessively suffer from dry skin, best humidifiers for keeping your dry skin moisturized will provide you with a few top options to consider.
Keeping your humidifier clean will ensure that it works properly when you need it. It will also keep mold, mildew, and bacteria from growing inside. Lastly, a routine clean will increase the unit’s lifespan. Fortunately, keeping your humidifier clean is relatively easy, and you can easily do it once a week. We’ve listed the cleaning process in a few easy-to-follow steps.
You can easily clean your humidifier with water and white vinegar. We’ve listed a few easy steps to follow.
You should disinfect your humidifier at least once a week. If you don’t use your humidifier year-round, you’ll have to clean and disinfect it once you take it out of storage. Once you’ve cleaned your humidifier, follow these few simple steps to disinfect it.
Now that you’ve seen how easy it is to keep your humidifier clean, there’s no need to risk bacteria or mold spores in your home. How to clean a Frida humidifier is a question you now have the easy answer to! With a clean humidifier, you and your family will get to enjoy its many health benefits.